New ChatterOS Update released January 15th. We’re very excited for this update because we’ve improved performance of Chatterbox by over 30%! Among fixes in this update are better speech handling, improved understanding and handling of date and time as well as block improvements. For full change log, please see below.
To download update, you can tell Chatterbox to “Check for updates.”
To find out if your Chatterbox auto-updated, press button and ask “What version are you?”
Note: Depending on internet connection, please allow up to 30 minutes for update to finish. After update, you need to use the power switch to turn off and turn on Chatterbox for the latest changes.
Bugs Fixes
- Reduced Latency by 30% — Faster intent responses!
- Updated language parsing library #138
- Date/Time fixes #138 for handling formatting of time 5:35 becomes 5 : 35 which sometime causes extractions to fail.
- String fixes #139 + #140
- allow strings to start / end with ‘
- allow strings to contain ”’
- Ensure default skills built if missing #142
- Fallback to default voice in admin menu, would not speak if a different voice was used #147
- Fix Linda voice in speak with voice block #148
- Improve handling of
in datetime blocks #149 - Increase training timeout for Example block #150
- Restore short circuit sound on empty STT #152
Skill Updates
- Portal skill now uses new pairing #137
- Portal skill dialog updated #137
- Portal skill intent updated, should trigger more easily now #137
- Volume skill no longer speaks, instead plays acknowledge sound and prints to chat. #144
- New intent for ready skill, “Are you fully loaded?” #145
- Improve volume intent “set volume” worked, “set the volume” did not #151
- Improve volume intents “turn up/down the volume” #157
Block Updates
- Remove
from variables dropdown #138 - Remove anti pattern of magically created variables #138
- Extract datetime is now 2 blocks with left output,
extract date from
andremove date from
- Extract duration is now 2 blocks with left output,
extract duration from
andremove duration from
- Extract datetime is now 2 blocks with left output,
- Block
Match dict to text
removed from toolbox #138
System Updates
- Added rebuild all skills (default and user) option #143
- New pairing mechanism #146
- Audio configuration improvements #153
- Support scheduling events with duration #156
- Fix regex issues – one skill, two intents with shared variable name. #155
For any questions, email support@chatterbox-redesign-merge.local.