Repeat after me
Yesterday, we learned how to make Chatterbox listen for a key phrase. That key phrase or whatever else the user says is called an utterance. But sometimes, you want to say more than just the utterance. We call this the utterance remainder.
Both the utterance and the utterance remainder are handy tools for getting your Chatterbox to do things in skills. So handy, in fact, that there two blocks called “Variables” that are designed to remember what was said and also remember anything after the utterance.
Let’s make a fun little skill to show you how the Utterance Remainder block remembers everything after the utterance. Try connecting the Utterance Remainder to a Speak block as pictured below.
Multiple Voices
Did you know that Chatterbox can speak with different voices? There’s a special block that enables you to temporarily change Chatterbox’s voice. It’s called the Speak with Voice block.
You can use an unlimited number of voices in any given skill.
Example skill with multiple voices:
Challenge: May the Droid be with you…
Combine the blocks from the Chatterbox Says skill with the Speak with Voice block to teach your Chatterbox to speak the droid language like R2D2.